Monday, April 29, 2013

Excuses and goals.

Well as for exercise today....... EPIC FAIL...... I know i need to do it, I tell myself i will do it....several times. but i never do.... I think i find it harder to do exercise while hubby is on R&R. We would just rather sit on the couch and enjoy being a family while snuggling Isabelle.
With a face like this who wouldn't want stay inside all day playing and watching her learn how to do new things. Right now shes learning how to blow bubbles and make "fart" noises. It just amazes me how all of a sudden one day they can do something they couldn't do the day before. But when i think about it I need to make the changes now for a positive future for her and any other future family members.

I have been reading other peoples blogs mainly to see how they fit there exercise in with children. Now some wake up early and do it in the morning, others during the day while children are at school ect. Or at night. Now with hubby working FIFO im essentially a single mum for the week he is at work. So i could either wake up early and get it done before she wakes or after she has gone to bed. But after she goes to bed at night im usually buggered and exercise is the last thing on my mind. So on Wednesday i shall attempt to get up around 5.30 6ish and smash out an hrs workout. I would do it tomorrow but Hubby flies back out tomorrow and we have a maintenance guy coming early to fix a few things around the house. So tomorrow i shall do an afternoon walk.

As for My goals.

12 Months
To be maintaining my goal weight of 75kg.- Half the person I WAS!!
How will i achieve this? By exercising 6 days a week and keeping a clean healthy diet.

9 Months
To be able to run 5km in 30 minutes.
How will i achieve this? By maintaining my goal weight, continue to follow an exercise and nutrition plan and use the couch to 5km program. Maybe even doing the Learn to run program via MB 12WBT.

6 Months
To be at my goal weight of 75kg - Half the person I WAS!!!
How will i achieve this? My continuing to follow what i had learnt doing the 12WBT. right now Im undecided if i should do another round of the 12WBT.

3 Months
To loose 20KG and smash the 12WBT!!!
How will i achieve this? Buy following the exercise and nutrition plan. By not making excuses. And to buy a nice pair of brand name jeans in a size 14 to motivate me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My love affair with food......

Well i LOVE food. so when i had my gastric sleeve it was very hard to come to terms about the how much i could now eat. especially being an emotional eater, learning how to deal with my emotions without reaching for food is damn hard. So i have no lollies, chocolate, chips, fizzy drink or "junk food" in my house. simply because if it is there i will eat it. I also LOVE to cook. My pride and joy in my bookshelf is the complete collection of Nigella Lawsons cookbooks, including the dvds of her tv shows. But now my little munchkin is here and having a husband that works FIFO, I find it hard to cook. I did buy one of Michelle Bridges cookbooks yesterday and i cant wait for payday so i can clean out my cupboard, go food shopping and starting eating the way i should!!!!

As for exercise i haven't been doing much, although last night i danced my ass as we had a girls night out. I've always wondered how many cals you would burn. I will have to wear my HRM once i get it. I have started to take bubs out for a walk every morning, but hubby bought the man flu back from work. I know i shouldn't make that an excuse and i should just go out and do it. So tomorrow i shall!!!! No excuses.

Well i think thats all for today. Im incredibly tired from staying out late partying with the girls. Im usually in bed sleeping by 11. and i didnt get home till 1.30!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pre season thoughts and tasks

So going through the forums today i came across the pre season tasks to help us "prepare" for what is about to hit us in 17 days. I also decided to go through my photos on my laptop to see if i could find any pictures before i had my gastric sleeving that i could post. And i honestly cant believe how "big" i was.
This is me at my girlfriends engagement party a few months before my operation.

I never took any real before and after photos. I just have pictures of events that i attended. But for the 12WBT i will take them, no matter how bad i think they are there certainly much better then what they would have been if i didnt have my gastric sleeve surgery.

Roughly a year post op

The first Pre season warm up challange is to make a small change. Now ive always been bad at keeping up my water intake, except for in my last trimester where i couldnt  get enough of it. So my small change that i will make is to drink atleast 1.5L of water a day.

Me on my wedding day, approx just over 2 yrs post op.

Warm up challenge number 2 is halve your non water intake. Now im not a big coffee drinker, i prefer to drink tea. I have plenty of herbal and flavored tea in the cupboard that im going to make my way thru the next week. I plan not to have any "normal" tea ( as in with milk and sugar added). Im also not a big drinker of alcohol, so i dont need to worry about that.

Me and my little muchkin about a month ago.

Tomorrow i plan to go though a few more pre season tasks and talk about my love affair with food.

The Beginning.........

Well where should i start....... My name is Chantal and im on a journey, a journey of weight loss, self discovery and motherhood. I'm almost 2/3rds of the way to being at my goal weight, a journey that was postponed buy the birth of my beautiful baby girl Isabelle. And I'm getting it kick started again by joining the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation.But before i go on about that let me give you a bit of background history.

I've always been a big girl, always eaten the wrong things, eating wayyyyy to much, doing little to no exercise. I met my amazing husband via an online dating website and the weight started piling on. After a long year of procrastinating i finally decided to have gastric sleeving. The most hardest and best decision i have ever made. At my heaviest i was 151 kg that was over 3 years ago. since then i have lost almost 50kg, married my best friend and had our beautiful girl.

Now i want to finish my weight loss journey and be half the woman i was. One of the 12WBT tasks is to let people know about your commitment and they suggest starting a blog. So blog away i shall.

My commitments are: *To loose at least 20kg doing the 12WBT
                               *To finish the 12WBT
                               *To be able to comfortably fit into a size 14 jean

On my blog i hope to post every day, or at least every couple of days about my progress of becoming the sexy mumma ive always dreamed of being!!!

Till next time